Home BLOG Reasons Why Having No Significant Other Is Actually Amazing

Reasons Why Having No Significant Other Is Actually Amazing

written by lucyfreyakorn July 8, 2014

by Olivia Davison

Simply a list that I came up with when I was wallowing in self-pity. Single ladies, please enjoy.


 You don’t have to feel obligated to shave your legs.


You won’t ever feel bad about choosing to stay home and binge watch Orange Is The New Black instead of going out with your significant other.


You don’t have to share your food. This is important.


You don’t feel like you always have to look nice.


You are free to go on the prowl when you go out…. Not that that always works out.


You are allowed to talk about how great it is being single to all your taken friends. #gloating


You are allowed to have a boyfriend pillow. Its not weird.


You are able to use #foreveralone without feeling like a liar… because you are actually alone.


You don’t have to feel guilty about dreaming about your celebrity crush.


You don’t have to try and put someone else’s needs about your own.


You can be that Grinch that hates all couples and not even feel bad.


And lastly:

You have plenty of time to think about 100’s of reasons for why you are still single…

notaloneI don’t even know.



You’re welcome.

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