Home BLOG Is Jennifer Lawrence Punking Us?

Is Jennifer Lawrence Punking Us?

written by lucyfreyakorn December 6, 2013

Vulture reckons she just might be.jennifer-lawrence-funny-faces-at-the-oscars-2013

Well it was inevitable; the Jennifer Lawrence backlash has begun. Well, if not backlash, then Jennifer Lawrence scepticism at least. Obviously one can’t have this much success and be this well liked without people getting suspicious.

Just the other day Vulture published an article titled ‘Is Jennifer Lawrence Katniss-ing Us?’ in which the author wonders if indeed Jennifer Lawrence’s Jennifer Lawrence-ness is just an act:

“Are we witnessing genuine J.Law or is it just an act?…The pervasiveness with which everyone has agreed to ask “isn’t she great?” is striking. She may indeed be a free spirit and an independent thinker, but her swift climb to the A-list is based on something very specific: She’s an extremely talented actor, not just a pretty face. And all actors are trained fakers when you get down to it.”


It is an interesting question and one I KNEW would be posed eventually. Everything a celebrity does in the public eye has to have an agenda. Have a lesbian relationship? Agenda. Falling in love with your married co-star? Agenda. Discussing soiling yourself with David Letterman? Agenda. Because celebrities are not allowed to just be people, they must be carefully crafted, finely tuned products that do nothing but promote, promote, promote.

“In effect, Lawrence is giving the people what they want — by reminding us that what we want is bogus. And all it takes to do that is to be someone who colours just a tiny bit out of the lines. Her talking points are “no talking points.” She’ll interrupt a ludicrous red carpet double-team from both MTV and VH-1 by talking about how much she wants to eat French fries. She’ll answer a question about “the process” by which she gets dressed by shrugging and saying she got dressed.”

Personally I think this is a stupid argument. Jennifer is giving us genuine Jennifer as far as I’m concerned, and really, if her lack of PR-ness is actually PR well we are never going to find out are we? She’s never going to be like, “Hey world, you know how I have been acting for my entire career? Well I was punking you all I’m actually really dull and serious and have never shit my pants in my life.”


So let’s just stop caring and keep enjoying.


Lucy Korn

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