Home The ‘Get Smart’ Watch List

The ‘Get Smart’ Watch List

written by Amber July 2, 2014


I’m just as guilty as the next person for watching brain shrinking TV (the Kardashians have most of us firmly in their grip right?) but I’m also a huge fan of smart watching. Shows that  further your thoughts, your knowledge and with that, your general being (deep stuff, I know). But It’s a great feeling knowing that today, you got that little bit smarter and with Rialto channel being a one-stop shop for inspiration and information, I thought I’d share my  must see watch list…


Ping Pong


Get surprised

Favourite part, is when the 100 year old lady is asked by a reporter how she does it all being that she is ‘so old’, and with her aussie accent casually replies, “Well, I’m not THAT old.” This is inspiring and adorable, a great watch.


The Rise and Fall of The Clash


Get cooler

Every cool person I know likes these guys, so even if you’re not a fan, this biography makes for interesting chitchat by the water cooler. Seriously though, it’s an incredible and shocking story that has never been told before. Watch it!



Charles Bradley: Soul of America


Get Soulful

Feeling proud of someone you’ve never met is a rare thing, but with this incredible insight into such a pivotal moment in someone’s life, it’s an emotion you cant ignore. Moral of the story, it’s never too late to reach out for a dream.


George Harrison: Living in the material world


Get Interested

I’ve never really thought much about George Harrison but watching this Martin Scorsese directed doco about the 4th Beatle had me completely fascinated. It’s larger than life, one that’s hard to relate to, but for that reason makes it oh so interesting.



Amber   x