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People You Meet While Working In Retail

written by lucyfreyakorn April 13, 2014


Lucy’s post from last week, about the people you meet on public transport, inspired me to write this post. It is a topic very close to my heart as I have worked in retail for about 5 years now, so I know what I am talking about and anyone who has worked in retail ever in their lives will agree with me.  Don’t mess with us.


The Snob


These are the customers that come in wearing an outfit that costs more than your house and they assume, because they are wealthy, that you somehow work for them. Um, let me clear this up, I DON’T, so please don’t treat me like your personal slave.


The Giggling Teenagers Who Don’t Buy Anything


They come, they see, they giggle, they leave…always in big groups. They never buy anything, so who knows why they are even out shopping in the first place, they only have enough money to buy a frozen yoghurt and a new crop top. They also manage to mess up most of your displays. It’s a gift and it’s infuriating.


The Customer Who Avoids Acknowledging You


This is one of my favourite types of customer: the one who tries to avoid making eye contact or having to speak to you. They walk into the store and, when they have to walk by the counter, they literally crab walk with their back towards you, just so they don’t have to acknowledge you. This is what we call desperation folks. It’s also a hundred times worse if there are no other customers in the store at the time.


The Customer Who Ruins Your Day


I don’t even know how to explain this customer but you know who I mean. The one who wants to talk to your manager and complain about how unhelpful you have been, or yell at you in front of other customers because you can’t give them a refund. You know what…it’s not my fault that you are a crazy person. Just sayin…


The Hagglers

THIS! What!? Why are you bargaining with me??? Does it look like we are in a market place? Are there stalls nearby trying you sell random things, like tiny doughnuts, every flavour of hummus known to man and strange wooden sculptures, that I didn’t know about? NO, DIDN’T THINK SO, so stop haggling with me!



The Lovely People


I love these customers. The awesome ones who don’t treat you like a slave, they treat you like a normal human being who is just trying to be helpful and do their job. They thank you profusely for your help, they are chatty with you, smile and just all round great customers. You make my day, THANK YOU!


Olivia Davison

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