This Week In Pop Culture
CELEBRITY: Miley Cyrus goes punk for V magazine (art imitates life).
This butt crack photo is the only good one.
TV: Jess and Nick do it.
In this week’s episode of New Girl we found out how each character lost their virginity. Some were embarrassing (Schmidt and the loob) while some were pretty fucking great (Cece and Mick Jagger). We also finally made some ground on the whole Nick and Jess thing. They did it you guys.
FILM: The Great Gatsby Premier
I am very afraid that this movie is going to be a flop. We have waited so long for it, and there has been so much hype generated around it that it is going to have to be incredible in order to live up to our expectations.
Also it is in 3D. This is not ok.
CULTURE: A.A Gill on Weddings (both Gay and straight ones)
This article sums up the way I feel about weddings perfectly.
NB: This article first appeared in Vanity Fair last year and was for some reason recycled in the latest Vogue Australia.
Lucy Korn xx