Home FASHION The Met Gala Red Carpet Round Up: Part Two

The Met Gala Red Carpet Round Up: Part Two

written by lucyfreyakorn May 9, 2013


The Met Ball Goes (sort of) Punk

We have covered the punks in black and now we move to the punks in white, red and pink:

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Sienna Miller: I love everything about this. It is exactly what I would imagine Kate Moss would have worn had she been there (where was she?!). Leave it to a Brit to pull off in the most casually awesome way.


Rita Ora: I find Rihanna and Rita Ora totally interchangeable. In fact the more I look at this the more I feel this IS Rihanna albeit a watered down version.


Lele Sobieski: I love the sleeves of this dress and I love the bodice of this dress. I don’t however love the two combined. Had the black part been the same as the sleeves and the white part been black (so basically had it been completely different) then it would have been amazing. Great hair and make up though.

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 Nicole Richie: This is spectacularly hilarious. When I first saw this I just sort of stared at it before silently LOL-ing (I couldnt actually LOL as I was sitting on the train at the time and we all know that people who LOL alone on public transport are crazy). However I do appreciate what she was going for here, the hair is decidedly punk and the dress (is it studded?) is super beautiful. I just wish she had worked the look more, maybe hit a pose like this:


That would have sold me.


Katie Holmes: In this picture Katie looks like an angelic, undead Dementor, like she would float up and down the Red Carpet instead of walk. And hey, maybe she is floating now that she doesn’t have the weight of that hobbit (I’m sticking with the fantasy theme) bringing her down. But anyway, HOW IS THIS PUNK?!


Rooney Mara: She could have just come as Lisbeth and called it a day but I am so glad she didn’t because this is soooo much better.

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Kate Beckinsale: Umm I guess this is kind of punk… Like sexy punk? Whatever, lets be honest, this lady looks good in anything.


GOOP: Oh ok Gwyneth, you are the worlds most beautiful woman so you just go and do whatever you want.


Kate Bosworth: I really, really like this. Heaps. The whole look is total glam punk which suits Kate to a T.

The only problem I have with this is that she kind of looks like a robot barbie at the moment. Did anyone ever see that episode of Kim Possible where an army of robot Queen Bebe’s threatened to take over the city? Because that’s what I see when I look at her now.

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Kristen Stewart: Quite like this from the waist up, quite despise this from the waist down. Props on the punk scowl though.


Amber Heard: is so beautiful it is unfair.


Emilia Clarke: This isn’t even remotely punk but I guess the Queen of Dragons doesn’t really give a shit.


Lucy Korn xx



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