Home FASHION Hipsters Are Wearing Flowers In Their Beards Now

Hipsters Are Wearing Flowers In Their Beards Now

written by lucyfreyakorn July 11, 2014

by Lucy Korn

Is it weird that I kind of dig it?


Don’t you just love hipsters? Always taking trends and re-appropriating them to fit their own unique sensibilities.

This time they have taken the humble flower crown, favourite of festival goers and pre-teens girls alike and adapted it for the boys, the bearded boys to be exact.

sarah winward flower beard 2


Ultimate hipster/hipster king John Lennon did it:




So it’s only natural it caught on…




That flowery scent wafting around… I imagine it’s even better than wearing cologne.



Paging Jared Letto, it’s time t bring this to the mainstream. The Emmy Awards perhaps?


 Cover photo by Marlee Meghan

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