Home FASHION Dress Up, Stay Warm

Dress Up, Stay Warm

written by lucyfreyakorn June 10, 2013


How To Keep Warm and Stay Cool

 I feel as if this is a dilemma that all girls face when going out on the town during winter. More often than not, come the weekend the weather has deteriorated utterly and it is now 10 degrees and pouring with rain.

What to do? That dress that you had so carefully picked out three days before (on a sunny 20 degree day) will no longer make the cut and even the thought of changing out of your fluffy robe is torture. You could wear a jacket couldn’t you but then you are faced with what to do with said jacket when you are expertly ripping up the dance floor… You could add stockings but don’t because they are ugly there has never been an outfit that was improved by opaques.

Or you could ditch that skimpy dress that probably would have made you look easy anyway and wear something like this:

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 I promise ladies, it is perfectly do able to cover up and still look hot. Pick a cool long-sleeved top/jumper like this one from Sass & Bide and team it with this heavyweight, quilted skirt from Witchery. Top it all off with some very ‘on trend’ white sandals (senso) and BAM your done.

NB: If you suffer from cold feet you could always add a cute pair of (grey) socks to the mix.


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I know it’s often very annoying to take a jacket out when you know there isn’t going to be any coat check but I have a solution. When you get too hot just whip it off and tie it round your waist a la kindergarten styles. Trust me, all the cool kids are doing it.

But if that’s not your jam then choose a dress like this Topshop one that is made of leather and thus completely wind/rain resistant. Hurrah!


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You could also always try investing in a Vest, especially one like this Zara number that is wool and double breasted. It is the perfect layering piece that will keep you warm without completely hiding the fabulousness that is going on underneath. Plus it is the perfect companion to all of your light and floaty dresses (like this Huffer one).


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Country Road, Camilla & Marc, Citizens of Humanity

Last but not least, don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that wearing pants to town is unacceptable. Pants are fine; in fact they are more than fine they are fantastic. Especially the leather variety. There is no awkward pulling down of too-short hemlines or worry over whether or not you just flashed everyone in the line to Golden Dawn. And they are warm as toast!

Oh and guess what! You can wear jeans. Wherever your destination is, no bouncer will turn away a chic in a hot pair of skinny jeans, or a chic in general really. Promise.


xx Lucy

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