Home Milan Confirms It’s Ok To Wear Sneakers With Everything

Milan Confirms It’s Ok To Wear Sneakers With Everything

written by lucyfreyakorn September 24, 2014

by Lucy Korn

Tommy Tons signature stiletto shots have become sneaker shots and if you take the time to look 80% of the feet of the front row at fashion week are comfortably (if a little sweati-ly) in Nikes.

I’m not entirely sure where this sneaker thing came from (possibly from normcore but I don’t want to give it the credit because I hate it) but it’s really come into it’s own.

This is not only a win for stylish commuters everywhere (no more numb toes by 9am) but it’s awesome news for non-stylish people too. You know the ones, they’re always wearing their runners with their suits to work. I used to thoroughly dislike these people but now, now they are fashion! I can no longer look at you with disdain #winning.


Now you don’t have to feel like vintage Lilly Allen whilst wearing sneakers and a ruffled skirt.



Sneakers are the perfect match for that tweet suit. You could totally get away with this at work right?


What did we wear with our bell bottoms before this?


Black tie + the street = Coolest girl in any room ever.


Images via Tommy Ton for Style.com