Home Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender are (probably) in NZ Right Now

Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender are (probably) in NZ Right Now

written by lucyfreyakorn October 16, 2013

They’re filming Macbeth.


Today I read a quick piece on Vulture about how Michael Fassbender won’t campaign for an Oscar this year and in it was a little mention that he will be filming Macbeth in New Zealand at the end of this month (Marion plays Lady Macbeth opposite Michael).


At first I was like, someone making another Macbeth? Why? Then I was like, wait, they’re filming in New Zealand? Soon? How is this the first we have heard about it?

Because this is the kind of thing I would have thought Tourism New Zealand would be ALL OVER, the media too for that matter. I even googled ‘Michael Fassbender Macbeth filming NZ’ and there was ZERO information to be found. Maybe I have stumbled across a cleverly kept secret? Or maybe Vulture got it wrong and they’re actually filming in Australia (Americans *shakes head*).

Only time will tell.


Lucy Korn